Unconfined Life

Conrad “Griff” Grieff

Conrad “Griff” Grieff – The Army veteran, Eagle Scout, personal/life coach assistant, and current personal assistant to Christopher Coleman with leagues of experience in many different fields of work, Griff has always had the motivation to help people. From the broad reach of defending every citizen in the US through military service, down to helping each individual, such as being Christopher Coleman’s daily assistant. Griff always finds ways to give his time and energy to make sure the people around him are taken care of. He keeps the mindset that there is always someone who has it worse than he does, even at his lowest points in life. There were days he had less than $10 to his name and he gave it to a homeless man on the street because Griff knew he had a car to get him places, a place to come home to, and a family to support him while the man on the street may not have had any of those things to rely on. 

In the rollercoaster we all call life, Griff has had far more “downs” than “ups.” Yet he maintains a constant mindset of positivity and motivation to keep going and achieve a better life for himself and those around him. One of his biggest feats isn’t necessarily the things he has accomplished, it is the resilience to bounce back from the deepest “downs” he has been through on the rollercoaster of life. Griff strives to motivate others and coach them on how to build themselves up when they reach those low points in life as well. 

The culmination of his efforts has affected the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of people he has come into contact with. He desired to dedicate his life to the Army as the best way to help as many people as he could through his service. His plan was to stay in for life or at least as long as he could. However, due to unfortunate circumstances, he was wrongfully discharged from the Army and struggled to find his place in the world. His experiences have driven Griff to help Christopher with his non-profit organization by creating a branch to dedicate his life to helping veterans who may have been through similar cases. He has a newfound passion to coach wrongfully discharged veterans and help them through the difficulties that he also faced in the period after his discharge, to bring them closer to a more desired and fulfilling life.

“When you’ve been to the pits of hell that reside in your own consciousness so many times, you begin to master the path taken when finding your way back out.”
Conrad “Griff” Grieff